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Yuzu Nintendo Switch Emulator Shuts Down

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In joint motion for entry of Final Judgment and Permanent Injunction, Nintendo of America Inc. (Plaintiff) and Tropic Haze LLC – Developers of Yuzu (Defendant) have reached settlement. Tropic Haze LLC – Developers of Yuzu will pay Nintendo the sum of US$2,400,000.00 and will cease all activity regarding emulation of the Nintendo Switch which includes:

  • Offering to the public, providing, marketing, advertising, promoting, selling, testing, hosting, cloning, distributing, or otherwise trafficking in Yuzu or any source code or features of Yuzu;
  • Offering to the public, providing, marketing, advertising, promoting, selling, testing, hosting, cloning, distributing, or otherwise trafficking in other software or devices that circumvent Nintendo’s technical protection measures, including without limitation by using unauthorized copies of Nintendo’s proprietary cryptographic keys to decrypt Nintendo’s video games (or component files);
  • Directly or indirectly infringing, or causing, enabling, facilitating, encouraging, promoting, inducing, or participating in the infringement of, any of Nintendo’s copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property, whether now in existence or hereafter created, including but not limited to the unauthorized reproduction, display, public performance, or distribution of any of Nintendo’s copyrighted video games or operating systems, which includes the emulation of Nintendo’s video games;
  • Committing any other violation of Nintendo’s intellectual property rights, worldwide, whether now existing or hereafter created;
  • They must also surrender and cease to use the domain YUZU-EMU.ORG.



In response, Tropic Haze LLC – Developers of Yuzu posted this statement via X.

“We write today to inform you that yuzu and yuzu’s support of Citra are being discontinued, effective immediately.

Yuzu and its team have always been against piracy. We started the projects in good faith, out of passion for Nintendo and its consoles and games, and were not intending to cause harm. But we see now that because our projects can circumvent Nintendo’s technological protection measures and allow users to play games outside of authorized hardware, they have led to extensive piracy. In particular, we have been deeply disappointed when users have used our software to leak game content prior to its release and ruin the experience for legitimate purchasers and fans.

We have come to the decision that we cannot continue to allow this to occur. Piracy was never our intention, and we believe that piracy of video games and on video game consoles should end. Effective today, we will be pulling our code repositories offline, discontinuing our Patreon accounts and Discord servers, and, soon, shutting down our websites. We hope our actions will be a small step toward ending piracy of all creators’ works.

Thank you for your years of support and for understanding our decision.”


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